Lived Experience Advisory Group (LEAG)
The LEAG is a statewide committee providing advice and recommendations on the key statutory functions of the OCP and the departmental responsibilities of the Mental Health Strategy and Planning Branch (MHS&P). The LEAG members work collaboratively with the OCP and MHS&P to ensure the expertise of the group provides advice on improving the safety and quality of mental health services in SA. The LEAG ensures consumers' and carers' perspectives are embedded in the design, implementation, and evaluation of mental health policies, programs, and services.
- Lived Experience Advisory Group - TOR (Link)
- Lived Experience Advisory Group - Charter (Link)
- Lived Experience Advisory Group - Guide for Engagement (Link)
Mental Health Lived Experience Register (The Register)
The Register is the engagement mechanism used by the OCP to connect with people living with lived experience and give them the opportunity to participate in the ongoing improvement of Mental Health Services in South Australia. Visit The Register page (Link)
Mental Health Carers
Carers have a unique role to play in the recovery of a consumer who is receiving mental health care as they know the person better than anyone else. Hence, they can provide relevant information about a consumer’s health, wellbeing, and recovery, and their life including interests, skills, beliefs, and ambitions, which is a critical input for delivering personalised care. The OCP provides strategic guidance for the implementation of the Carer Experience Survey (CES) within the public mental health services in South Australia. Visit the mental health carers page (Link)
The Lived Experience Workforce Program
The OCP funds the Lived Experience Workforce Program (LEWP) which is implemented by the Mental Health Coalition of South Australia. The Lived Experience workforce contributes to embedding a recovery-orientated and person-centred approach in the delivery of mental health services and it is a key component of the SA Mental Health Service Plan 2020 - 2025. Visit the LEWP page (Link)
SA Health Consumer, Carer, and Community Feedback and Complaints Management
Consumer, carer, and community feedback and complaints provide a valuable source of information and insight into consumer experience and identify safety and quality related problems within mental health services. Consumer, carer, and community feedback and complaints are essential and fundamental to consumer-centred care. Visit the SA Health consumer, carer, and community feedback and complaints management page (Link)
Lived Experience Key Resources
The national mental health reform promotes a meaningful partnership between consumers and carers, leaders of the sector, and service providers to improve the safety and quality of mental health services. The following documents provide an overview about the role of lived experience in the scope of safety and quality. The views and opinions expressed in the documents are those of the authors or organisations that produced the resources.
- SA Health - A Co-Created Philosophy of Care Version 2 2023 (Link)
- SA Health - A Co-Created Philosophy of Care Version 1 2020 (Link)
- SA Health - Rights of carers of people receiving mental health care Factsheet – Mental Health Act 2009 (Link)
- LELAN – Getting our Rights right, right? (Link)
- National Mental Health Commission - Mental Health Safety and Quality Engagement Guide(Link)
- National Mental Health Commission - The National Lived Experience (Peer) Workforce Development Guidelines(Link)
Lived Experience Key Organisations
The OCP Lived Experience Team has effective relationships with organisations of civil society interested in systemic leadership and change. The following organisations are relevant for consumers and carers in relation to the safety and quality work of the OCP.
- Lived Experience Australia (Link)
- Lived Experience Leadership & Advocacy Network (Link)
- The Mental Health Coalition of South Australia (Link)
- SA Mental Health Commissioners (Link)
- Peer Zone (Link)
- The National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Forum (Link)
- The National Mental Health Commission(Link)
- EMBRACE Multicultural Mental Health(Link) (Link)