COVID-19 and Mental Health
A commissioned review by UniSA to support recovery planning can be read on the link above.
This document will support recovery planning, noting that it recommendations span different levels of intervention in the community, across government, and in primary and specialist care. It includes community connection and support strategies that should be co-designed with people with lived experience and community groups, it describes the need to address social and economic factors that might lead to distress and mental illness that would need to be implemented across government, and has actions related to screening and mental health support in primary care, and effective access to mental health services. This links with broader mental health strategies and identifies groups at higher risk based on the literature to date.
This review is supporting current planning.
Further information on the impacts of COVID-19 on mental health and wellbeing can be located at: COVID-19 and your mental health - Beyond Blue
Mental Health COVID-19 Resources for Practitioners
- COVID-19 Mental Health Fact Sheet Interim Clozapine Management For COVID-19 Positive People 18 January 2022 Final PDF 243 KB
- COVID-19 Mental Health Fact Sheet Interim Clozapine Management 20 January 2022 PDF 197 KB
For further information regarding COVID-19, please visit the SA Health Coronavirus Disease 2019 page.